Looking forward to the field of SQL Database Administration? This field offers an enormous amount of career opportunities that will continue to grow in the coming years. Getting a certification in this field can help you stand out in the job market. The Microsoft SQL Server certification can be a good option, but if you want to add this certification your resume then you will have to pass the MCSA 70-764 exam. To prepare for this exam, you can use our Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure course and lab. The course is equipped lab that is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can be easily integrated with an LMS. Interactive chapters comprehensively cover MCSA 70-764 exam objectives with real-world scenarios.

Here are the topics covered in our cert guide:
- Manage Failover
- Manage the Query Store
- Create an Availability Group
- Configure Read-only Routing
- Implement Always Encrypted
- Implement Backup Encryption
- Configure Windows Clustering
- Troubleshoot Encryption Errors
- Implement Cell-level Encryption
- Identify Problematic Execution Plans
- Create Distributed Availability Groups
- Configure Encryption for Connections
- Configure Transparent Data Encryption
Here are the learning resources included in the Microsoft 70-764 study guide:
- 33+ Lab
- 15+ Lessons
- 107+ Quizzes
- 69+ Flashcards
- 2+ Full-length Tests
- 40+ Pre-assessments
- 40+ Post assessments
- 69+ Glossary of Terms
About The MCSA 70-764 Exam
The MCSA Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure 70-764 exam is for the database professionals who perform installation, maintenance, and configuration tasks. Microsoft recommends having experience setting up database systems, making sure those systems operate efficiently, and regularly storing, backing up, and securing data from unauthorized access.
The MCSA 70-764 exam objectives are as follows:
- Configure data access and auditing (20–25%)
- Manage backup and restore of databases (20–25%)
- Manage and monitor SQL Server instances (35–40%)
- Manage high availability and disaster recovery (20–25%)
Get yourself enrolled in our course and start preparing for the MCSA 70-764 exam. The course and help you pass the MCSA 70-764 exam in your first attempt.