uCertify Guide for Microsoft Exam 70-640
Pass your windows 2008 certification exam in first attempt
By uCertify .com team
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IT certification exams require a lot of study and practice. Many of our customers spend weeks, if not months preparing for the exam. While most classroom training and certification preparation software do a good job of covering exam material and providing practice questions, summarization of the highlights and key study points is often missing.
This book is intended to bridge the gap between preparation and the final exam. It is designed to be an easy reference that will walk you through all the exam objectives with easy to remember key points required to successfully pass the certification exam. It reinforces the key points, while helping you focus on the exam requirements. The benefits are multifold and can help you save hours of exam review, while keeping key concepts fresh in your mind before the exam. This critical review will help you with the final exam preparation touches and give you the confidence needed for the big day.
Benefits of this exam countdown and quick review guide:
1. Focused approach to reviewing exam material – review what you must know
2. All key exam concepts highlighted and reinforced
3. Time saving – must know facts at your finger tips in one condensed version
4. Detailed explanations of all possible answers to practice questions to ensure your grasp of the topic
5 A full length simulation exam to determine your exam readiness
- Publication Date:
- Dec 23 2009
- 1616910003 / 9781616910006
- Page Count:
- 226
- Binding Type:
- US Trade Paper
- Trim Size:
- 6″ x 9″
- Language:
- English
- Color:
- Black and White
- Related Categories:
- Computers / Certification Guides / General
Price : $19.99