Willy Sudiarto Raharjo has 11+ years of work experience as Lecturer in Duta Wacana Christian University. He has skills in Linux, MySQL, Web development, programming, and more. Recently he accessed uCertify CEH V9 course and provided the following feedback:

“If you are planning to earn the CEH certification quickly, you can start your prep with the uCertify CEH v9 course. It comes with chapters, practice tests, and performance-based labs that simulate real exams. It also contains 100+ pre-assessment questions that can be used to measure your readiness for the certification exam.
The course material is sorted based on the CEH outlines and helps users prepare for the certification in real exam conditions. The labs provide a virtual environment for users to explore and learn. I must say I’m impressed with how uCertify prepared the labs for this kind of certification. It’s a big advantage for those who can’t afford to install virtual machines on their system or need some time to get familiar with Linux before installing it on their own machines.”
To read the complete post, click here.
Thank you Willy for your valuable feedback! We are glad that you found our course helpful.
To know more about Willy, please contact via his LinkedIn profile.