Do you want to gain expertise in C# programming? Then start your prep for the MCSA 70-483: Programming in C# certification exam today with uCertify. We offer practice questions with full explanations, quizzes, flashcards, full-length tests, assessments, lab, and more. These cover 70-483 exam objectives and help master the skills required to Manage Program Flow, Create and Use Types; Debug Applications and Implement Security; and Implement Data Access.

uCertify uses content from the finest publishers and only the IT industry’s finest instructors. Unlike a live class, you can study at your own pace. This creates a personal learning experience and gives you all the benefits of hands-on training with the flexibility of doing it around your schedule. All available learning resources for a topic are put in one place so that the learner can efficiently learn without going to multiple places. Challenge questions are also embedded in the chapters so learners can attempt those while they are learning about that particular topic.
The Microsoft 70-483 certification exam is designed to measure the technical and theoretical knowledge of candidates in the field of C# programming. The target audience for the 70-843 exam are the developers and students who have some experience in the programming of essential business logic for different application types and platforms using C#. This exam demonstrates a candidate’s real-world mastery of programming in C#.
Eligibility and Fee for Programming in C# certification
All candidates over the age of 18 years are eligible for the Microsoft 70-483 exam. However, candidates having some experience in C# programming are given preference because they are more likely to score higher marks in the exam.
The exam fee for Microsoft 70-483 exam is $165 approximately. The cost of registration is different for different countries depending on their currency value. Some discounts are given to the people who are a part of Microsoft or its partner companies.
So, what are you waiting for? Gear up to start your prep for Programming in C# certification with uCertify!