Get certified for the CertNexus IoTBIZ certification exam and learn the Internet of things with uCertify. We have introduced CertNexus IoTBIZ certification prep that covers the certification exam objectives and provides knowledge of IoT fundamentals, implementation and infrastructure, business benefits, and challenges IoT projects, real-world application, and development lifecycle of IoT.

The course comes complete with flashcards, quizzes, glossary, knowledge checks, connect the idea questions, and more. There is no limit to the number of times learners can attempt flashcards and quizzes. Flashcards help master the key concepts and glossary defines the key terms. The course test prep can be used to effortlessly deliver assessments and test-prep to a browser or device anytime, anywhere. The course test prep provides full-length practice tests that can be configured to closely follow the exam objectives and are designed to simulate real exam conditions. Each course has a number of test sets that can consist of hundreds of items using 40 item types to ensure that learners are prepared for the certification exam. The test prep provides detailed reports to help users assess their exam preparation.
About IOZ-110 Exam
The Internet of Things certification validates a foundational understanding of IoT concepts. Passing the IoTP certification is proof of understanding about how IoT components work with other systems in which IT professionals typically have more experience. These include networks, cloud computing, applications running on servers, desktop computers, and mobile devices. The IoT certification is accredited under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 170204:2012 standard, which outlines a global framework for developing personnel certification programs.
IoT certifications are a critical factor in closing the skills gap by creating a professional workforce that is ready to support businesses. As IoT evolves into much larger-scale business applications in the world of healthcare, manufacturing, and nearly every other industry, there is a need for a general understanding of the IoT’s technologies, tools, and methods. The IoT certification is designed to validate individuals’ foundational knowledge of the important concepts and components that are part of an IoT ecosystem.
So, start your prep to be a certified IoT professional today with uCertify!