Microsoft 70-688 course: A new release @uCertify
The Supporting Windows 8.1 exam is part of Microsoft’s MCSE, MCSA and MCP certifications. It is a required part to the MCSA certification and further can be upgraded to MCSE certification. This certification is targeted at professionals who configure or support Windows 8 computers, devices, users, and associated network and security resources. uCertify’s 70-688 course covers […]
The Supporting Windows 8.1 exam is part of Microsoft’s MCSE, MCSA and MCP certifications. It is a required part to the MCSA certification and further can be upgraded to MCSE certification. This certification is targeted at professionals who configure or support Windows 8 computers, devices, users, and associated network and security resources. uCertify’s 70-688 course covers all the objectives of 70-688 exam. It would help you master the objectives so that you can pass the exam the first time you take it. Microsoft not only tests you on your knowledge of the desktop operating system, but also has developed questions on the exams to force you to apply your knowledge to work out solutions in the same way you would when presented with real-life problems. Our 70-688 course has the following features:
- 30 pre-assessment questions
- 13 lessons
- 256 exercise questions
- 81 quizzes
- 64 glossaries
- 75 videos
- 2 full length tests
- 30 post assessment questions
Passing the exam would demonstrate your competency in administration and support.